A fantasy trilogy written by M.K. Presson

Posts tagged “khyler

M.K. Presson Featured Author on “Beyond Worlds.com”

Hey, everyone! On January 16th, my story and that of my novel, Itara’s, went live on the website, http://habeyondworlds.com/ on the home page. Please check it out. Not only can you find my featured story, but the fantastic stories of many other authors. If you’re an avid reader, this is a great place to find honored authors and unique tales.

As a reminder, I have not forgotten about posting the first story of Wizzfeth Stipplewhim’s adventures. Look for it here at the end of the month. Khyler’s uncle somehow winds up in the most interesting and fantastical situations, and –by his own recollection– retells them again and again, each with a different spin on the same story. Which adventure will Wizzfeth find next? Stay tuned!