A fantasy trilogy written by M.K. Presson


Urban Legend

Last week, a friend and I challenged each other to write a short story around a creature that resides in the bog of our Renaissance Faire’s guild village.  It’s been an ongoing thing for years, but we thought adding an urban legend to keep people out of the bog would be fun.  I know this isn’t exactly Itara related, but I thought you all might enjoy it none-the-less.  It’s a rough draft, and will likely have adjustments, but I urge you to suspend your disbelief.  The village name is true to the guild, the name of the bog was given two years ago, and the main character’s last name belongs to one of the guild’s largest character families.  We’re always losing poor John to the bog, so it seemed to fit.  This is a labor of love and meant for fun.

The Bog Beast of Duckbilled Nippingshire. 

Logline:  A fool-hearty farmer’s son gets caught in a vicious storm on the way home, and becomes prey for a territorial bog creature of legend.

It was a dark and stormy night.

Chill, Autumn winds howled menacingly through the village of Duckbilled Nippingshire. No business dared open its doors, and no homes dared leave their windows unlocked.  The gnarled fingers of twigs scraped against glass and shutters as if begging to be rescued from the gale threatening to tear their tree roots from the ground.  The waters of Duckbill Pond spilled onto its banks, and the river had become so choppy, it battered the tethered boats into their moors.  Already, the night claimed two fishing vessels, leaving them completely submerged with only their lines clinging desperately to their iron holdings.  The deep ‘crack!’ of thick branches groaned above the thunder as though giants snapped them off to fuel their hell fires.

There had never been a more wicked storm to strike the shire in over a decade.

Unfortunately, this was the night John Yanker had chosen to linger past sundown in Port Deptford.  It was a day of gallivanting at the Bell, and spending his coin on mugs of ale at the Oubliette.  Halfway to the village, he found himself caught up squarely in the storm’s rage.  He kept his head low as he urged his horse onward through the driving wind.  His cloak barely protected him from the needles of rain.  He knew the break between first and second sleep would be soon, but he highly doubted anyone would venture outside.  John clutched at the reins, and yanked back hard when a large, knobby oak came crashing down across the middle of the road.  His horse pivoted in the mud, nearly throwing its rider out of the saddle, and bolted into the midst of the Fordatree Woods.

Being a Yanker, John had grown up running through these trees, and knew almost every detail, for the landscape hardly changed.  Yet in the darkness, with bolts of lightning illuminating the trunks as bleached skeletons, he missed one very important landmark; an old decaying sign warning ‘Mind the Bog’ staked at the edge of Evan’s Bog.

The horse leapt over a rotten log into a tight clearing, and came to a halt.  John took that moment to reorient himself, though it took less than a breath to realize where he’d stopped.  His nose wrinkled from a putrid stench bubbling in the distance.  If he double backed, he could reach the road, but if he risked the murk and mire, he would be home in half the time.  With the storm gaining in strength, and the groan of falling trees filling the wood around him, it left him with little option.

He nudged his horse to tread carefully into the midst of a land quickly filling with water.  There were moss-covered paths of solid ground that he kept to.  They created a maze that was difficult enough to find in the middle of a clear day, let alone at night beneath the fist of an enraged thunderstorm.   One false step and he could tumble into the mud to join past villagers lost to its depths.

He had made it most of the way through, and could make out brief, glorious glimpses of the shire through the downpour when something heavy splashed to his right.

A figure black as tar rose slowly from the bog, bowing upward with globs of murk dripping from it like puss from an open wound.   Two soulless, yellow eyes opened and stared unblinking as if seeing through both horse and rider.  It made a gurgling sound similar to the waters that birthed it, and snarled with sharp fangs that could tear the hide from a bear.

John’s panic coursed through his veins, and his breath stabbed in his throat.  His entire sense of direction flushed away with any rational thought as sheer terror shred itself within his gut.  The mighty beast of legend shadowed all hope, leaving him with one command owning his being.


The horse reared up in fright.  John kicked the stead into a run without care for the treacherous paths.  Its hooves sank into the unforgiving ground repeatedly, though he desperately urged it on.  He could hear the creature quickly gaining ground and feared he would not see the safety of the shire ever again.

The beast let out a howl like a devil’s horn.  Its large feet slapped against the ground as it chased its prey.  Its lumbering bulk broke through tree limbs, and its great green claws ripped through the sod.

John broke through the treeline into the commons, risking a glance behind him.  The creature’s jaundiced orbs vanished behind the trees, though he still felt he was being followed.  He aimed straight for the safety of the Yanker barn.  With unsteady hands, he fumbled for the latch key, shivering and shaking in terror, as he was sure the creature would tear him apart at any moment.  He dropped the keys, snatched them the ground, and somehow managed the lock.  John pulled his horse inside and slammed the wooden door closed, shutting out the weather and the beast.

The stables were filled with every animal that would normally be grazing on the Commons.  All were brought in for the night, making the barn smell of oxen and sheep.

John heaved a sigh of relief.  He removed the stallion’s saddle and placed it with the tack, then rested his head against the warm neck of his trusted friend.  At last, the night’s horror had ended.

The silence broke with the frantic whinnies and braying from the animals all stomping their hooves.  Something had startled them.  John swallowed against a lump in his throat.  He turned slowly over his shoulder at the locked barn door banging against its restraints.

Then all was still.

The hairs on his skin prickled at a cold, moist breath on his neck.  His heart quickened at the sound of a deep, snarling, guttural growl.  It loomed above him, as if manifested from the darkness itself.  He stared straight into those demonic eyes, frozen with fright.  And in a flash of lightning that muffled his scream, he disappeared.

The storm cleared, and the next morning when the animals were let out to pasture, the villagers discovered the soaked traveling cloak of the farmer’s son, and a trail of bloody, three-clawed footprints leading to the door, though it remained locked from the inside.

To this very day, no one knows what became of poor John Yanker.

Let this be a lesson to any who stray beyond the protective light of day:  Stay out of the bog.

Bog sign

It’s been a dry year.

“SEED” of a Voice Acting Moment


Screen capture from “SEED”

I finally got to be a computer!

I had my first voice acting gig a couple of months back for a sci-fi short Indie film called “SEED.” Due to the fact that I can imitate my Garmin pretty well, Tyson Wade Johnston –director of “SEED,” asked me to be the voice of the intercom for the movie. With a geeky grin, I said, “HELL YES!” Once a nerd, always a nerd, I guess. It’s odd, but I’ve always wanted to play the voice of a computer.

Tyson Johnston (dir.), Brandon Jones (audio), and Justin Zachary(“Kamp”/writer) were completely professional, and welcoming.  Honestly, I’d work with those guys again any day. Recording was awesome. I spent more time running vocal warm ups than I did with the actual recording. I was in the booth for 2 or 3 minutes repeating the same paragraph over and over until they heard something they liked and said ‘Thank you.’ I tried to get them to agree to let me read more, but that’s they needed.  Mimicking the GPS was one of those things I stumbled upon by accident.  So, what does one do with a talent like that?  Why, freak out my friends of course.  :D.  Brandon (the audio technician) tweaked the lines a bit to get it where he wanted, and I was told he had fun playing with my voice.  *Insert giggle here.*  There’s more that I read, but this is what made it into the trailer.

Ya know, it’s odd how I somehow inadvertently find myself linked to horror movies.  First as a P.A on the B horror feature, “Dark Honeymoon” (with Roy Scheider, Nick Cornish, and Lindy Booth), and now with “SEED.”  Why is it odd, you ask?  Well, I’m not a big horror movie fan–never much cared for Gorno.   I like the psychological ones that really get into your head and mess you up for days.  Daniel Radcliff’s “The Woman In Black” is up there on my list of awesome horror movies with “The Haunting of Hill House.”   I don’t need blood to be scared so much I can’t sleep.

I give you the training wheels of my voice acting career. (aside from the McCarthy Wholesale radio jingle I sang in ’06.)  Squee!  I’m so happy something I did with the industry made it past pre-production and survived Pilot Season!

“SEED” Trailer

“SEED” is a science fiction horror Indy short film set to release in August 2012.

The End of a Chapter

book, novel, fantasy story, Itara son of C'reseth, itara trilogy, mkpresson, epic fantasy, green bookIt took me a while to summon to courage to write this letter, but I feel I now can without pushing away from the keyboard.


To my amazing fans:


I know you are all counted in a small group comprised of brave individuals who love reading, and care deeply for the stories that take you out of your world. You’ve read the first book, and are probably wondering when the 2nd one will come out. I can’t answer that yet, as there are many kinks in the manuscript that I still need to work through. You’ve been with the characters of Itarathrough their turmoil and troubles, pain, love, and laughter of their stories, and traveled with them on their journeys. You’ve walked alongside Jareth with his determined stride, laughed or groaned at Khyler’s gamboling nature, fought beside Kyra and the people of the Ferryn, and felt the flame of magic with Mason as he struggles to learn his place in the world. I respect you all for your time, your heart, and your imaginations. Without you, their stories could not come to life.

That is why, with a heavy heart, I must inform you of a change in the world of Itara. I sent an email to Black Rose Writing a few nights ago asking to be released of my contract.  On March 5th, I received a formal letter of cancellation, releasing all rights back to me as the author.  I am no longer published under the Black Rose Writing name.  Although making the decision to leave Black Rose is not an easy one by any stretch of the imagination, I feel it is a necessary step. Please know this is not a decision made in haste, but rather over a couple of months of hard deliberation. I weighed the pros and cons, listened to the emails sent to me by my fans, and took the advice of industry professionals seriously. I believe you, my beautiful readers, deserve a story that is well written, and well edited. The last thing I want is for errors to take you out of the world of Itara, as it seems this printing is notorious for doing. I am embarrassed by volume of mistakes within the book. You deserve far more.

Don’t fret just yet. Simply because I am cutting ties with Black Rose does not mean I am cutting ties with Itara. It is my life’s work, my legacy, and my baby, and it will be a part of me for the rest of my life. I will still work on the 2nd and 3rd manuscript, and will keep this page going, even if there isn’t anything else to speak about. You are still free to post your thoughts and feelings here (being respectful of others, of course), and I will continue to work on Wizzfeth Stipplewhim’s tales of daring do.

On that topic, there will be a new Wizzfeth story at the end of this month.

Thank you for sticking by me, and for believing in Itara, and it’s messages. I will not give up, and I promise someday your curiosity about the rest of the story will be sated.

Yours in the art of wordsmithing,
M.K. Presson

Noteworthy Music from Skyrim

Now, although my poor little netbook isn’t powerful enough to run “Skyrim”  (insert flood of tears here), I fast became a fan of the main theme sung by a woman with a voice like Sarah McLaughlin.  The song “The Dragonborn Comes” was written by Jeremy Soule.

Skyrim Tribute to “The Dragonborn Comes.”Light hand, magic

Her name is Malukah.  I hope you feel the same sense of depth and wonder that I did.  Although it is for Skyrim, if you take it as itself as a stand-along piece, it can be applied to Mason’s story, or the story of any hero of any class that grabs your fascination.  I tip my hat to Jeremy for his instrumental and lyrical skills, and to Malukah for her voice.

And play the game, folks.  I hear you can punch a dragon to death.  Curse my feeble computer!

(Yes, that is my hand catching a shaft of sunlight one winter day in 2011.)

M.K. Presson Featured Author on “Beyond Worlds.com”

Hey, everyone! On January 16th, my story and that of my novel, Itara’s, went live on the website, http://habeyondworlds.com/ on the home page. Please check it out. Not only can you find my featured story, but the fantastic stories of many other authors. If you’re an avid reader, this is a great place to find honored authors and unique tales.

As a reminder, I have not forgotten about posting the first story of Wizzfeth Stipplewhim’s adventures. Look for it here at the end of the month. Khyler’s uncle somehow winds up in the most interesting and fantastical situations, and –by his own recollection– retells them again and again, each with a different spin on the same story. Which adventure will Wizzfeth find next? Stay tuned!

Let’s Start at the Very Beginning…

Where the heck do I begin?

It’s one of the oldest questions in the history of the wordsmith.  You’ve got this amazing story swirling in the gray mist in your head, birthing images and witty little one-liners you know will bring chuckles or dramatic 3-chord pauses, but as soon as you plunk your butt in the chair, it disappears.  That magnificent first line the muse whispered in your ear on the drive home went right out the other.  Raise your hand if this has happened to you.

I see you’re all raising your hands.  Except for you.  Sit down.  No cookie for you.

If you’re not Mr. Perfection sulking sadly in the back without a cookie, then this article is for you.  Though I can’t give you a magical fix-it for this head-scratcher, I can offer what fantastic or crappy knowledge I’ve gained over the years. I’ll offer a few ideas on how to start that story, but ultimately it’s up to you to stalk, hunt down, chase, stab and eat the one that’s crunchiest for you.

1.  Short and Simple

Take the start of this thread, for example.  Being that it was the keynote of the entire piece, it wasn’t hard to come up with.  This particular tidbit of tastiness came from the enigmatic mind of my peace corp adventurer college English professor, Jim Toner.  Keeping the first paragraph limited to one short sentence, even one word, is a way to snag the reader by the nubbins and pull them into your work.  This is a dangerous method, though, as it doesn’t always have the desired effect unless you choose you words carefully.  It’s like picking out that perfect outfit for a blind date.  Which will impress him/her more with an Emerol BAM!?  This is one of my favorite tactics to use.  I also like to think of this one as the “Attention Deficit Disorder Intro– oh look, a butterfly.”

2.  It Burns Us!

Setting fire to your reader with a description of hellmouths and brimstone as though you’ve thrown them into the lava along with your character is one way to go.  There are some stories I’ve read where I’ve enjoyed being sucker-punched into a chair by the power of the first paragraph, and times when I’ve walked way rubbing a bloody nose.

3.  Float Gently Like a Leaf on Water

A Zen philosopher sits down on the smooth petals of a bed of lilies, opens his mouth, and whispers the lilting words of ageless wisdom.  You are softened into his tome as though pulled into a cushion of warm air where the sinewy arms of delicate fairies wrap themselves around you in pure comfort and sing you into the world of the powerful, yet caressing voice of the author.  In this into, you can either float along the descriptions, or deliquesce into them.

4.  Enough Already!

The Information Bomb.  The story begins with a full page of description detailing family trees, battlements, weapons, the lusty woes of a tainted woman seeking revenge, minute setting details down to the number of legs on the insect crawling up a wall, and the strategy one house uses on another to dethrone their influence in the land, or world, or galaxy.  This type of intro I’ve affectionately named the “Slow Press.”  It’s like a good cup of coffee, only you don’t get a single cup to savor while wondering what the next cup tastes like.  Oh no.  You get the entire boiling bubbling percolating pot.  Before you know it, you’re heavy with indigestion and running for the bathroom.  I’ll name one author who did this to me.  I was lucky to fight my way through the thick gnarl of straight-up information two chapters thick:  Frank Herbert, “Dune.”  Now, if you like this sort of beginning, and it works for you, by all means use it.  Use it to all of its great bombastic potential.

Some of us are coffee people, and some of us are tea people.  You’ll never know what your reader likes until they pick up your story.  Try out a few things and see what fits.  Much like in school with those “what does this mean to you” questions, there are no wrong answers, just curious interpretations that leave your teacher wondering how their student made it this far.

The Adventures of Wizzfeth Stipplewhim to be Announced

Hello, everyone.  Happy New Year to all, and many resolutions you will see through, or at least give a tremendous shot at seeing through.  Starting in 2012, at the end of January, I will post the first adventure of Khyler Fannisand’s favorite uncle, Wizzfeth Stipplewhim.  Throughout book 1, Khyler is constantly recounting the wondrous tales off his uncle’s journeys through Itara.  With these stories, I’m hoping you will read the title as the capricious little Gedni begins the tale and know the story as a sort of behind-the-scenes taste.

The Adventures of Wizzfeth Stipplewhim coming soon!

The Union Democrat Runs Story on M.K. Presson

On Thursday, Dec. 1st, the Union Democrat in my home of Sonora, California ran a half page story about me and my first novel, “Itara: Son of C’reseth.”  I’d post a link, but it seem the Weekender page on the Union Democrat site is currently down.  When my father called to tell me about the article, I squealed like a little girl and bounced around the office.  This is the first time I’ve been featured as an author in a newspaper.  It means so much more that the place of my upbringing is the first to give me this fine honor.

A heartfelt ‘thank you,’ to everyone on the staff at the Union Democrat.  You’ve given me a wonderful Christmas present.

Were You At Comikaze 2011?

Rainbow Dash

Rainbow Dash

If you were at the 1st annual Comikaze convention at the L.A convention center, you probably saw me ‘dashing’ around as the competitive attitude queen, Rainbow Dash.  When I wasn’t being snagged for photo ops (which were all awesome!), I busted out my own camera and took some shots.  If you dressed up, I may have caught you in one of my pictures. I’ve put up the ones that turned out on my photobucket page.  Check it out!  If you find yourself, that’s great!  If you can’t find yourself, seek therapy. Or just wait for yourself to come home from where ever you were.


If you see yourself, please let me know and I will change the title on the picture.  You can send me a direct message via the contact page on this site. 🙂  I’m not a professional photographer, but I do know how cool it feels to see a picture of yourself that someone snapped guerrilla style.

The number of intense, amazing, detailed, and jaw dropping costumes I saw at Comikaze landed somewhere in the… hundreds, maybe? We’ll say there were a lot, so please let your imagination fill in the rest. I ran into a plethora of Batmans, Supermans, Pokemon, and a few other ponies with Yaya Han.  Even the guide for the Haunted Mansion ambled by lighting the way with his trusty lantern, and I got to race Sonic the Hedgehog (I’m still faster, by the way.)

As Rainbow Dash would say, the people, the costumes, the camaraderie, the friendships, all made the first annual Comikaze Expo “20% Cooler.”

Comikaze Comes to LA!


ComicKaze has returned to Los Angeles!

Cthulu Takes Over the World

Now for a bit of nerdnip….. Mark Hamill will be there!  SQUEE!  Hence the photo on the comikaze home page.

It’s like a less expensive version of Comicon, with sweet guests like Stan Lee and Elvira, and again… Mark Hamill. 🙂

How is this related to “Itara” you ask?  Why simple, my friends:  I will be there as a customer (sadly not as a boothie) dressed as Rainbow Dash, in a costume I hand stitched together myself. I am very proud of the wing production and intend on being in the Masquarade to show off my work. Even if I don’t win, just being there will be fun. 🙂

Congratulations.  You officially got a sneak peak into my little hobby of cosplaying –however lightweight it may be.  Although I am not a professional seamstress, I still have fun running around a convention center and posing for pictures as I show off my Hard Work and Guts! (less of the guts, though, I hope).

If you see me there in sky-blue clothes, rainbow hair, a colorful tail, and 3 foot wings, please stop and say hello!  I’d love to hear if you’ve read my novel, or are planning to buy it, or get a stack of them for Christmas gifts.

Comickaze website –>click
Times: Nov. 5th–6th.
Masquerade@ 4pm, Sun 6th.  Vote for Rainbow Dash!